The Madras College Archive


Former Teacher Biographies

Alexander Ayton Young D.A. ( - 1954), Principal Art Master

The Madras College Magazine for October 1955 reports:


Alexander Young, D.A.

The death of Mr. Alexander Ayton Young on 9th February 1954 came as a great shock to the staff and pupils of Madras College. Mr. Young had been the Principal Art Master since 1923 and had devoted himself to the College and to the Community of St. Andrews throughout that period. His interests were many and varied, including membership of the St. Andrews Preservation Trust, the Arts Committee, Literature, Music, Sport, and in the gardening sphere he was an expert.

Mr. Young had a very distinguished career. He was educated at Ayr Academy and later studied at Edinburgh Art College until 1915. While there he won the College Bursary. He was also awarded a Keith Prize for the best picture exhibited by a student in the R.S.A. Exhibition of 1920, and the Maclaine Watters Medal for colour done in the R.S.A. School of Printing in the same year.

The first post held by Mr. Young was in View Park School, Edinburgh, until he joined Edinburgh College of Art as an Assistant Lecturer, where he remained until leaving on War Service. On returning from Service Mr. Young became Assistant Art Teacher in George Heriot's, following that by a short period at George Watson's. Mr. Young then became Principal Art Teacher at Alloa Academy, where he remained until his appointment to Madras College in 1923.

Mr. Young's period of duty at Madras College was marked by his popularity with the Staff and the pupils, and by the high quality of the work done in the Art Department.

To Mrs. Young and her daughter Jean, who was Literary Dux of the School and winner of the Good Fellowship Prize, our sympathy is extended.